Who are the partners?

 "Duh"loitte's decades long history of failing to disclose names of partners to Companies House and their regulator.

Complaints to ICAEW

ICAEW cover-up and refusal to sanction - states it is Companies House responsibility.

(nb Director of Companies House: Partner Deloitte and President ICAEW) Martin Hagen


Reply to ICAEW

25 August 2021 FOI request to obtain information ICAEW refuse to disclose/consider


10 September letter to ICAEW CEO and Head of Investigation


attachment Louise Mary Farrer https://app.box.com/s/a18zuc8mg9rudwyu2675gvcj1dqazuab 

Deloitte's new Corporate Structure - September 2021


Deloitte's website disclosures at 26 September 2021



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