They are still at it ......Ian Houston, Heather Bygrave and Philip Mills are guilty of Perjury for submitting false returns to Companies House and breach of ICAEW rules

 Extract of a Report dated 7 Novermber 2023 filed in Hardy -v- ICAEW, FRC and DBT:

  1. This Report covers the period Monday 7 August 2023 to Monday 6 November 2023 inclusive. References to MGH 7 are to the pages numbered in the Exhibit marked MGH7.

  2. The validity of the claims has been further demonstrated by the enactment of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2003 (“ECCTA”) on 24 October 2023 where the previously unparticularised in writing responsibilities of the Agent of D3, the Registrar of Companies (“RegCo”) have been further clarified, in part as a consequence of this claim, and now demonstrate beyond all doubt that the declaratory relief sought against D3 is more justified than ever, and that the prior conduct of RegCo was “negligent, unreasonable and unjustified in law” and that declaratory relief remains wholly appropriate to prevent recurrence of injury to C and the general public.

  3. The claims for General and Exemplary Damages against the Defendants in the matter of the gross and deliberate misconduct of D1 and wilfully negligent and deliberate failures of mandatory and statutory oversight by D2 and D3 have been further demonstrated by CoReg’s documents made by the firm of which the current President of D1, Deloitte llp (“DEL”), was a partner and of which a former director of the agency of D3, Companies House (“CoHse”), was a director at all material times. [pp2-24]

  4. Of the entries in the above referenced documents:

    1. The Confirmation Statement dated 31 May 2023 is clear breach of the Perjury Act 1911 because 21 appointments of members and 4 removals had not been filed contrary to law.

    2. From 31 May 2023 to date a total of 68 appointments and 9 removals were late filed

    3. From 31 May 2022 to 31 May 2023 a total of 53 appointments and 9 removals were late filed.

    4. Of the entries in the records of RegCo a total of 36 are still not reflected in the Register of Statutory Auditors or of D1 contrary to statute and rules binding D1 and its members.

    5. D1’s gross professional negligence and harm to the public is palpably demonstrated by the fact that of only these few entries 3 names of members are duplicated in the Register of Statutory Auditors1 demonstrating that despite all prior requests and reports D1 still doesn’t carry out even the most rudimentary checks on its records and is unfit to be a Recognised Professional Body for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006.

  5. Despite prior reports and warnings, DEL’s continuing gross negligence proves beyond all doubt that the Defendants intend to continue their systemic gross negligence and deliberate encouragement of lawbreaking that they know causes damage to me and the public at large. It is clear that only an award of exemplary damages will cause the Defendants and/or their members/delegees to cease their relentless lawbreaking and gross professional negligence.

  6. pp131-132 is a copy of the response from D1 relating to its prior refusal to deal with the thousands of offences committed by DEL on the basis that I am vexatious and that it, aided and abetted by D2 and D3, has no need to protect the public contrary the provisions of its Royal Charter and statute laws. pp2-24 demonstrate beyond all doubt that the prior refusal was wholly unreasonable and designed to protect the “shiny badge” of the members of D1 and for DEL to gain improper and unfair financial advantage in its dealings with D3 and other Government Departments of State.

Most of the blame for this shambles lies at the door of the about to retire CEO, Michael Izza, who couldn't even get ICAEW itself to comply with the law. Some legacy.



No words exist to adequately describe the incompetence on display in the many hundreds of offences committed since 1 January 2022 and the outright lies told in the Confirmation Statements.

Are Deloittes the worst offender ever at breaches of the law in filings at Companies House? The answer is a resounding YES. (NB - a Deloitte's man is a recently retired Director of Companies House - say no more) 

Why on earth would anyone, let alone Government Departments, ever do business with such a pack of inveterate liars and professional incompetents? Oh silly me... The President of ICAEW is a Deloitte's man!

Takes me back to my PW days when they known as "DoLittles" - seems to still be an applicable epithet today as the firm clearly believes that it is above the law and continue to break it with impugnity under the umbrella of immunity offered by Michale Izaa, CEO, and Mark Rhys, President.


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