Oh Dear ...how to explain this one?

 Someone managed to file a single late member appointment at Companies House yesterday, but...

The spanking new Register of Statutory Auditor website (NB no longer giving dates when last updated but it has always always been a Tuesday!) 

shows 958 persons of which 204 are stated not to be members of Deloitte LLP - leaving 754 members.


Companies House says that is a blatant lie

It's records show 735 including yesterday's single very late filing.

The oversight body, Department of Trade and Business, gives Deloittes more contracts for work than any other consultancy firm. 

Is that because they can be relied on to be incapable of balancing anyone's books?

PS Who audits Deloitte's accounts? BDO LLP ! 

What a coincidence! - see https://clcluk.blogspot.com/

BDO signed off on Deloitte's accounts that state it had an average of 714 members in the year to 31 May 2023 compared to 672 in the prior year. One is left to wonder where on earth those numbers come from?

In my day as a young Chartered Accountant at Price Waterhouse, a "Statutory Books" audit was obligatory before signing the audit report. Any dimwit would know to check the Companies House filings were upto date before passing the working papers to the Audit Partner.


ADDENDUM 15 Nov 23 - "Just one example"

ICAEW under the proven to be corrupt and criminal guidance of Michael Izza (about to retire with a vast pension) and the completely incompetent (still employed) Nigel Howell, who between them couldn't even get ICAEW itself to comply with law, couldn't even see that when Deloittes for once filed a timely resignation of a Member who was not a Statutory Auditor (Jamey Michael Whitnall) that they needed to remove his name from the Register.

Izza then refused all FOI requests until their Supervisory Body, the useless Financial Reporting Council and ICAEW, finally admitted that they had "lost" all the data and it was disproportionate to reveal the truth.

Check the 14 November 2019 entries at Companies House for Mr. Jamey Michael Whitnall against my previous lists of Statutory Auditors and the decades of total incompetence of ICAEW is proven beyond all doubt.

God help the UK going forward  as no one in authority is going to stop it going down the pan of financial crime for the principal benefit of lining the pockets of the corrupt lawyers and accountants in "the City".



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