Essar Oil "Group" and Deloitte's resignation

"Deloitte raises alarm over Indian tycoons’ $225m from Stanlow"
Sunday Times:    9th May 2021


pdf copy of article

The law, disclosure delays and "the truth" according to Deloitte's lawyers.....

Companies Act 2006:

s.519      "An auditor ….who is ceasing to hold office must send to the company a statement of the reasons for doing so…….Where there are matters connected with an auditor's ceasing to hold office that the auditor considers need to be brought to the attention of members or creditors of the company, the statement under this section must include details of those matters."

s.521  "……within 21 days beginning with the day on which he sent the statement ……... he must within a further seven days send a copy of the statement to the registrar."

s.1077     "A document is not delivered to the registrar until it is received by the registrar."

Companies House documentary trail: 

NB.   all letters dated 28 October 2020 but not marked as "delivered" until 20 April 2021

Essar Oil (UK) filings


Essar Midlands filings


Infranorth filings

NB.   "Essar" new auditors accounts "delivered" on 15 April 2021

Herbert Smith Freehills "explanation":

Letter dated 19 May 2021

Conclusion:  "The Registrar of Companies is to blame...."  for no-one knowing about "Duh"loitte's resignation for 6 months and only after the new auditors had issued their report. Really?

MGH FOI request and Companies House reply

Updated 5 Oct 21

Complaint to ICAEW re Andrew Williams of Deloitte llp and Essar Oil dated 2nd August 2021

ICAEW Reply dated 16 August 2021 - Deloitte Audit reports to be investigated

MGH reply and further information 26 August


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