
Deloitte LLP admits it doesn't even know the Gender or names of its members

Readers should follow each of.the pdf links to the underlying documents on the Companies House website dated 18 December 2023 starting with the words "Second Filing". This level of gross incompetence by Richard Houston, Chairman, beggars belief. Why on earth would anyone ever do business with Deloitte anywhere in the world if they can't even get the fundamentals of life right?

Crime Reports to City of London Police - 6 December 2023

Background Deloitte llp Press Release 1 June 2023 and Statutory records Puzzle for today: Who can find the missing 110 partners appointed on 1st June? Offences reported to Police set out in the form of Draft applications for summons [edit 13.00 hrs 6 Dec. Referred at request of Bishopsgate Police Station to ] 1.          ICAEW, Michael Izza, Nigel Howell, Mark Rhys (President)    Detailed evidence of ICAEW continuous refusal to investigate attached to draft summons 2.         Deloitte llp, Richard Houston, Heather Bygrave, Richard Mills Previous Summons withdrawn 29 March 2021: allegations now repeated. Detailed evidence as attached to withdrawn Summons: Deloitte LLP https://app

ICAEW tells Deloitte to carry on breaking the laws of the UK without fear of any sanction.

 ICAEW refuses to act as required by terms of Financial Reporting Council contract. "Taylor Maid" for investigation: "specialising in ethics and regulatory compliance". (merely the latest in a long line of delinquents - full details at )

And to cap it all....

 ICAEW has now become the "Site Administrator" of the new on-line Register of Statutory Auditors Heaven help all users when the "I" in ICAEW demonstrably stands for incompetent/inept.

Hell's Bells - look at who is now getting in on falsifying Statutory and ICAEW records

  FT Sunday 19 November 2023: " KPMG UK Partnership shrinks to half the size of rival PwC " or for those who don't have access (solely for personal use). AN ANALYSIS OF THE FINANCIAL TIMES NUMBERS: NB: It is an offence under The Perjury Act 1911 to make false statements to procure entry in statutory registers, particularly those that permit the carrying on of a Regulated Profession. ICAEW refuses to provide details of when disclosures were made to it because "it's too difficult". Hmmm  (ps Michael Izza and Nigel Howell of ICAEW - NB. It's an offence to aid and abet perjury). UPDATE 19.00HRS SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER.  KPMG INFORM FT THAT HUNDREDS OF ENTRIES IN STATUTORY REGISTER OF AUDITORS ARE INCORRECT. -------------------------- KPMG LLP swore to ICAEW that it has 874 members. It told the FT less than 500 and reports 469 to Companies Hou

Oh Dear to explain this one?

 Someone managed to file a single late member appointment at Companies House yesterday, but... The spanking new Register of Statutory Auditor website (NB no longer giving dates when last updated but it has always always been a Tuesday!)  shows 958 persons of which 204 are stated not to be members of Deloitte LLP - leaving 754 members. Companies House says that is a blatant lie .  It's records show 735 including yesterday's single very late filing. The oversight body, Department of Trade and Business, gives Deloittes more contracts for work than any other consultancy firm.  Is that because they can be relied on to be incapable of balancing anyone's books? PS Who audits Deloitte's accounts? BDO LLP !  What a coincidence! - see BDO signed off on Deloitte's accounts that state it had an average of 714 members in the year to 31 May 2023 compared to 672 in the prior year. One is left

Copy complaints re Deloitte LLP and Deloitte NSE LLP and those designated members who are members of ICAEW 9th November 2023

Please see previous post for background. Complaint and supporting documents re Houston, Bygrave and Mills - DELOITTE LLP Complaint and supporting docs re Houston -  DELOITTE NSE LLP